A. D. McFadzean

Fiscal Constraints

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1466129514
EAN 9781466129511
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
Verlag/Hersteller A.D. McFadzean
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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It's a free 5000 word short story about the financial implications of building a universe. How much more description do you need? Should take about twenty minutes to read and keep you entertained during lunch break.


A.D. McFadzean was born after the most intensive period of H-bomb testing in human history, yet still denies he has super-powers. His education began at an early age and went on until later. Curiously, although he lived through the Sixties he actually remembers quite a lot of it. Since then he has held down a series of dead end jobs as a research astronomer, space scientist, defence engineer and energy consultant. They're all a lot less interesting than you'd think but at least he has learned a lot about offices. And stationary.
So far, he has lived his entire life, without missing a single day, and as a result he is married, to his wife, and is the father of his two children. He has a house and, for several hours each day, he gets to live in it. Previously, he has written comedy for radio and serious stuff for scientists but you needn't worry about any of that because this isn't an advert.
He has been to Hawaii but not Florida; Madrid but not Malaga; Cape Town but not Johannesburg. He's worked in the Arctic but never danced naked on a table. All that must tell you something about him, he's just not sure what. However, as a general rule he doesn't like talking about himself because he knows it's all lies.
Incidentally, that's a very old picture. He's trimmed the beard since then.

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