Alain Emerson, Adam Cox

God Story

Encountering Unfailing Love in the Unfolding Narrative of Scripture. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 0281087490
EAN 9780281087495
Veröffentlicht 9. Juli 2024
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The God Story is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story. Alain Emerson and Adam Cox - two leaders of the 24-7 Prayer movement - help you find personal meaning and purpose in light of God's unfailing love and awe-inspiring plans for humanity as laid out in Scripture.
Why is it that every time we hear the phrase, 'once upon a time' we are captivated, curious to know what these inviting words will give life to? It seems something fundamental to our existence is exercised when we are drawn into a story. As human beings we are meaning-making creatures, and yet so often we struggle to make sense of the world and our place in it.
Each one of our lives is a unique and unrepeatable creation. Each one of our stories is precious and worthy of being told, shared and experienced. Yet none of our stories make sense in isolation, disconnected from a wider plot. Our stories only truly find meaning when they are linked to the very source of our lives and the unfolding drama into which we were born.
The God Story is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story from 24-7 Prayer, which will help you find personal meaning and purpose in light of God's overarching and awe-inspiring plans for humanity as laid out in Scripture. It is the story we're all waiting to hear.
It is time to be enchanted afresh by the God Story and, in doing so, discover beloved identity and be inspired to make a difference in today's world.


Alain Emerson is Irish National Director of 24-7 Prayer and part of the global 24/7 Prayer leadership team. He is one of the lead Pastors at Emmanuel Church, a thriving young church in Lurgan, Northern Ireland. He is married to Rachel, and they have two daughters, Annie and Erin.

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