Alan Mills

Hacking Coyote

Tricks for Digital Resistance.
epub eBook , 100 Seiten
ISBN 3944543386
EAN 9783944543383
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller mikrotext
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Good-bye, rational culture! Let Guatemalan writer Alan Mills welcome you to the philosophy of tricksters. Follow him on a tour through indigenous mythology, classical education, and the literary canon, thoroughly mixed with hacking theory and with popular culture-from Star Wars and Breaking Bad to familiar figures like Bugs Bunny and El Zorro. Get to know Michael Jackson and David Bowie, Guy Fawkes and the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Maya-K'iche', through this fulminant essay on old and new strategies for resisting superpowers. Or, in the author's own words: "This open-source codex seeks to unite the contemporary traffickers of information with the smoke signals of their totemic animal."
"El guatemalteco Alan Mills escribe tanto novela en español como ensayo en inglés. Son transgénero, como todos nosotros." New York Times
"At times the author's approach reminds me of Walter Benjamin's essay on Surrealism." Eva Wißkirchen, comparaison d'etre
"This hacking essay is punk." Tania Folaji, elektroprint
"Like a conspiracy theorist." Enno Park, Deutschlandradio Kultur
Alan Mills was born in Guatemala in 1979 and lives in Berlin and Vienna. In the past ten years, he has lived in Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Paris, Madrid and Leipzig, and has read at poetry festivals throughout Europe and Latin America. He just finished a dissertation on contemporary Latin American literature, in particular indigenist science fiction. He is on Twitter as @alan1000s. His collected tweets have been published in a German translation as "Eine Subkultur der Träume".

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