Alan Nevin

The Next Half Century

Prepare for an Amazing Change in World Prosperity. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 228 Seiten
EAN 9798988614425
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Global Economic Press

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"An essential read for the thoughtful person who wants to understand where we are headed and what to expect. While available in both black & white and color, I recommend getting the color version for the reader-friendly graphs and maps."
- Cheryl Soon, Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners and author of Reflections in Stone and Bronze
Does the Future Look Bright or Bleak in the Next Half Century?
This highly informative book offers a thought-provoking view of what is in store for the world in the next fifty years.
A renowned demographer and economist, Alan Nevin documents the massive changes in population, lifestyle, education, and employment patterns underway across the globe. He also delves into three geographic areas of the United States that will continue to lead the way in creating new industries and new jobs.
The Next Half Century tells the story of the future in an interesting narrative accompanied by dozens of tables, graphs and maps that highlight the facts and data that led to the book's powerful conclusions.
Business owners and executives, real estate investors and developers, business and economics professors and students, and curious readers interested in a data-driven analysis of growing trends in the U.S. and global economies will benefit from this invaluable reference.


Alan Nevin is a real estate economist, demographer, and futurist. He is the director of the Economic Research Division of GAFCON, a nationwide construction management consulting firm based in San Diego. His consulting practice concentrates on providing advice for real estate owners and developers, and he serves the legal community as an expert witness in real estate related litigation and as an appraiser.His first book, The Great Divide, analyzes the demographic patterns that shape the world and the U.S. in particular. His new book, The Next Half Century, offers a thought-provoking view of what is in store for the world in the next fifty years. Alan earned a Master of Arts degree in Statistical Research from Stanford University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing and a Master of Business Administration in Real Estate Economics from American University in Washington, D.C.He is a co-founder of the UC San Diego Economics Roundtable, a member of the Advisory Board of the UC San Diego Real Estate and Development Program, an elected Fellow of the Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society, and an active member of the Land Economics Foundation. To learn more or contact Alan, visit

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