Alexa Whitewolf

Moonlight Rogues: Origins

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393924867
EAN 9781393924869
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Alexa Whitewolf
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Four wolves. Four alpha males. One town to bring them all together....
The lupo mannaro without a family....
Lucas was born to be king, until the price was too high. Now, he'll have to settle for alpha...if he can escape his past.
The vârcolac without a home...
The mountains of yore call his name louder than his parents' pleas to stay. But is he ready for what fate has in store, even if it means giving up his hard-earned freedom?
​The faoladh without a purpose...
One case was all it took. One mistake he could never take back. Now, he'll pay the ultimate price - exile.
​The lobisomem without peace...
Tristan chose to save his country, not knowing the price was his sanity. Is there really a coming home, for the one who's seen it all, and more?
A Moonlight Rogues collection of stories, fifth in the series, to give you a taste of four amazing stories, each one filled with unique folkloric add-ons. Chronologically, can be read anywhere in between the four major books.


Alexa Whitewolf is a fiction writer, newspaper columnist of daily issues and author of the critically acclaimed Moonlight Rogues shifter series.
Alexa has been a lifelong writer and first began creating other worlds and characters at the ripe age of 12. Growing up in the Transylvania region surrounded by epic mountains and a never ending stream of legends and stories was bound to create an overactive imagination. This shines through Ms. Whitewolf's writing by creating worlds filled with unique folklore, life wisdom and plenty of furry creatures.
An avid traveler, Alexa writes under a penname and spends her days between an office job and writing, in Canada's capital when she's not flying somewhere with lush landscapes and plenty of hiking trails.
Her series focus on strong heroines, kind yet sexy men, fights of good and evil and the never-ending learning curve of humanity's strong – and weak – points. Romanian folklore is intertwined with her writing, more notably in her shifter romance series, the Moonlight Rogues. Her other series draw on world mythology, such as the Avalon myth and Arthurian legend (the Avalon Chronicles) and Ancient Egypt (The Sage's Legacy).
You can follow her blog at or on social media. Her column in Observatorul also tackles various issues, including health, technology, and a writer's life.
If you want up to date releases, make sure you sign up for her newsletter and follow her on BookBub

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