Alexander Cooper

Summary of Harlem Shuffle

by Colson Whitehead - A Comprehensive Summary. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791220881418
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Self-Development Summaries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Summary of Harlem Shuffle - A Comprehensive Summary
Section 1
It's impossible and engaging hero is Ray Carney, who, when the story starts in 1959, is anticipating a second child with his wife, Elizabeth, while selling used furnishings on Harlem's celebrated, always clamoring 125th Street.
Ray can't exactly walk away from his criminal roots. To assist with making a decent living as he battles to develop his business, Ray goes on incognito outings downtown to sell lost or stolen gems, some of it gotten through the questionable methods of Ray's good for nothing cousin, Freddie, who's been getting Ray into messy situations since they were kids. Freddie's presently associated with a plan to ransack the Hotel Theresa, the legendary "Waldorf of Harlem," and he needs his cousin to fence whatever he and his upsetting, unpredictable partners steal. This escapade, which turns out badly, is just the first in a progression of the exhausting trial Ray suffers from the 1950s to the Harlem Uproars of 1964. All through, readers will be enraptured by a Dickensian exhibit of brilliant, eccentric characters, from light fingered hoodlums to common ladies with a low limit for male imprudence.
To be continued...
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