Alexander Cooper

Summary of The Giver

by Lois Lowry - Giver Quartet Book - A Comprehensive Summary. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791220269346
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Self-Development Summaries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Summary of The Giver
The Giver is a novel written by award-winning author Lois Lowry which was published in 1993. Before publishing The Giver, she won a Newbery Medal for her novel Number the Stars.
The Giver also earned her a Newbery Medal because of its themes and fame. The Giver is a story of a brilliant boy named Jonas who happens to live in a society that is being controlled by the rules and tradition of The Elders.
Through his wisdom and mannerism, Jonas is selected as the Receiver of Memory, a post that distinguishes him from others and gives him authority. He follows the rules and receives wisdom in the form of memories, but soon becomes upset with the rules. He is shocked at the killing of babies and others.
Jonas, finally, wants to get rid of this society and saves the baby that is being released or killed by his father. The two go to Elsewhere to in search of freedom, hope, life and colors.
You will definitely enjoy this beautifully plotted novel. The depth of characterization will occupy your mind till you finish this artistic narration.
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