Alexander Cooper

Summary of The Maid

by Nita Prose - A Comprehensive Summary. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791221309249
Veröffentlicht März 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Self-Development Summaries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Summary of The Maid
The book has been generally welcomed, having been picked as a book club pick by the GMA Book Club. It's also been optioned for a potential film with Florence Pugh having hired on for the lead role.
While this is Prose's show novel, Prose is the VP and appropriation supervisor at Simon and Schuster Canada. In this manner, it should not amaze anyone that the book feels altogether clean and that that pacing of it is feels convincingly legitimate for the story that it's telling.
The story opens with the finding of a dead body in a hotel suite by Molly Gray, a housekeeping supervisor who works at an upscale boutique hotel. Molly is trusting and uncommon hearted, with amazing energy for her work. She's also somebody who has all of the signs of being neuroatypical, and she has a hard time understanding things like non-verbal correspondence, looks and expressive movements. Her character gives the book a lot of its appeal.
The message of the book is a laid back one - about being liberal and suffering for individuals who are not identical to you. It's the sort of book that has a huge load of mass appeal that many people can appreciate.
The Maid is a pleasant secret the way where cozies ought to be framed. It is sublimely made, inconceivably enamoring, has an exceptional secret, twists you don't see coming and by and large is one of the most flabbergasting and beguiling characters you will whenever meet. Molly Gray is on the autism spectrum. She doesn't respond to individuals and conditions like standard individuals do considering the way that she doesn't understand their looks and their opinions. Regardless, her Gran has taught her to be a consistent agent and to be extremely pleasing. Molly is a housekeeper in a rich hotel. A job she loves and is very good at, she also demonstrates deliberateness and planning skills.
When she sees a dead body in one of her rooms it isn't truly normal that the police continue feeling that she is concealing something thinking that, while perpetually observing really, she sees things according to a real viewpoint. It is in addition not frightening when she is in the end arrested for the homicide. What is astonishing is the wide scope of different things that occurs.
Here is a Preview of What You Will Get:
- A Detailed Introduction
- A Comprehensive Chapter by Chapter Summary
- Etc
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