Alexander Freed

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 0399178465
EAN 9780399178467
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Random House Worlds
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Go beyond the film with a novelization featuring new scenes and expanded material.
As the shadows of the Empire loom ever larger across the galaxy, so do deeply troubling rumors. The Rebellion has learned of a sinister Imperial plot to bring entire worlds to their knees. Deep in Empire-dominated space, a machine of unimaginable destructive power is nearing completion. A weapon too terrifying to contemplate . . . and a threat that may be too great to overcome.
If the worlds at the Empire's mercy stand any chance, it lies with an unlikely band of allies: Jyn Erso, a resourceful young woman seeking vengeance; Cassian Andor, a war-weary rebel commander; Bodhi Rook, a defector from the Empire's military; Chirrut Îmwe, a blind holy man and his crack-shot companion, Baze Malbus; and K-2SO, a deadly Imperial droid turned against its former masters. In their hands rests the new hope that could turn the tide toward a crucial Rebellion victory-if only they can capture the plans to the Empire's new weapon.
But even as they race toward their dangerous goal, the specter of their ultimate enemy-a monstrous world unto itself-darkens the skies. Waiting to herald the Empire's brutal reign with a burst of annihilation worthy of its dreaded name: Death Star.
Praise for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
"One of the best movie adaptations yet."-Cinelinx
"Rogue One bridged characters and elements of the prequels and original Star Wars trilogy in a visually stunning ride, but there are even more rich details hiding in the film's novelization, [which] reveals and expands with inner monologues and character insights, political knots, and nuance."-The Daily Dot
"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization deepens a tale of hope. . . . [Jyn Erso] proves to be even more fascinating here than she was in the movie."-New York Daily News


Alexander Freed is the author of the Star War: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, Star Wars: Battlefront: Twilight Company, and Star Wars: Rogue One and has written many short stories, comic books, and videogames. Born near Philadelphia, he endeavors to bring the city's dour charm with him to his current home of Austin, Texas.

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