Alexander Lernet-Holenia

Count Luna

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1802063412
EAN 9781802063417
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Jane B. Greene
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'A book so astonishing that I immediately reread it, fearful it might disappear' Patti Smith
The war is over but Alexander Jessiersky, a wealthy Austrian aristocrat and industrialist, is haunted by guilt over the neighbour he inadvertently sent to a concentration camp, Count Luna. What's more, he is convinced that Luna survived - and is out to get his revenge. So begins a wild, weird cat-and-mouse chase that takes him and his shadowy nemesis through windswept valleys, eerie houses and, eventually, Rome's catacombs, as an increasingly paranoid Jessiersky asks himself: will Luna stop at nothing to exact his bloody vengeance? Crazed, raging and darkly comic, Count Luna is a reckoning with postwar guilt, and an irresistible tale of the uncanny.
'Like Kafka ... Lernet-Holenia weaves his most intimate hopes and dreams ... with exquisitely imagined detail' Chicago Tribune


Alexander Lernet-Holenia (Author)
Alexander Lernet-Holenia was born in Vienna in 1897. He served in the Austro-Hungarian army in the First World War and became a protégé of Rainer Maria Rilke. During his life he wrote poetry, novels, plays and was a successful screenwriter. His books were included on the first Nazi blacklist and subsequently burned, but after the end of the Second World War, he again became a vital figure in Austrian cultural life.
Jane B. Greene (Translator)
Jane B. Greene was a translator best known for her translations of Count Luna by Alexander Lernet-Holenia and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1892-1910.

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