Amanda Brookfield

The Simple Rules of Love

A BRAND NEW heartbreaking, emotional story of love and family from Amanda Brookfield for Summer 2024. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1835614116
EAN 9781835614112
Veröffentlicht 15. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Boldwood Books
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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For some families, a year can feel like a lifetime.
The Harrisons were always a close-knit family.
But with the grandchildren fast becoming adults and elderly Pamela struggling to adapt to widowhood, the four children of the middle generation find themselves equally lost in a changing world.
As preparations for 42-year-old Cassie's long-awaited wedding gather pace, sibling and marital bonds are stretched to breaking point. Adultery, an unwanted pregnancy, and shadows of past losses threaten to turn their year of celebration into one of upheaval . . .
Beset by such emotional chaos, how can the adults hope to guide their children in matters of the heart?
Or are the children the ones who should be guiding them?
Praise for Amanda Brookfield:
'An engaging, emotionally-charged and intriguing story' Michelle Gorman
No one gets to the heart of human relationships quite so perceptively as Brookfield.' The Mirror
'Unputdownable. Perceptive. Poignant. I loved it.' bestselling author Patricia Scanlan on Before I Knew You
'If Joanna Trollope is the queen of the Aga Saga, then Amanda Brookfield must be a strong contender for princess.' Oxford Times
What readers are saying about Amanda Brookfield:
'I've loved all Amanda Brookfield's books and this latest one was excellent too. She writes so well, with insight and natural dialogue.'
'I could read it again, I read it so fast, I couldn't put it down. Very well written. I will definitely read more from this author in the future.'
'Brilliant book - just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, another twist popped up -had me picking it up whenever I had the chance.'
'A great story, great characters, vivid, immediate, so 'real', and such compassion. Every bit a page turner as Brookfield so gets you into her people. Only my second (Good Girls was a lucky dip first), but am hooked. If you like reading really well written real-life novels about your relationships, try this.'
'I enjoyed Amanda Brookfield's writing style. She really taps into her characters and writes them warts and all, with some raw and honest emotions.'
'All of Amanda's books are well written. She certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proves to be an enjoyable read.'


Amanda Brookfield is the bestselling author of many novels including Good Girls, Relative Love, The Split, and a memoir, For the Love of a Dog starring her Golden Doodle Mabel. She lives in London and has recently finished a year as Visiting Creative Fellow at University College Oxford.

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