Amelia Shaw

The Future King's Queen (The Dragon Kings of Fire and Ice, #9)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223299554
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Harley Romance Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Take a leap through time, a whole decade back, to the moment when Prince Carlak first discovered Princess Jessa was his fated mate. You might know how their story ultimately ends, but you'll be dying to know how their journey actually began!
One minute I'm enjoying my epic shared twenty-first birthday celebration with my triplet siblings and the next? My world is turned upside down! I can't believe it and I scarcely understand it, but I know what I feel... Prince Carlak is my fated mate.
He's never even liked me, nor I him; but the bond between us can't be denied, until it can. As Carlak controls his inner dragon, my own parents begin to doubt that we're meant to be. After all, it's an irrefutable truth that a dragon shifter can't rein in his beast when confronted by the woman who's destined to be his...
Given forewarning, albeit unintentionally by my mother, I discover that Princess Jessa, the beautiful, bright, and eldest daughter of King Stavrok is my fated mate. But knowing and feeling are two very different things.
Dancing with her, I barely manage to hold onto my dragon. It takes all my worldly strength and a decent amount of liquid courage to prevent me from destroying the triplet's special day. But the call of fate is undeniable, and I return to claim my mate... only life is never quite as fair as it should be—and Jessa soon fears the worst.
If you love your romance filled with angst and personal discovery, rife with passion, and sprinkled with a dash of hardship, then you'll fall head over heels for Carlak and Jessa in this steamy and exciting tale!

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