Net-Zero and Low Carbon Solutions for the Energy Sector - Amin Mirkouei

Amin Mirkouei

Net-Zero and Low Carbon Solutions for the Energy Sector

A Guide to Decarbonization Technologies. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 9.
pdf eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1119982189
EAN 9781119982180
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Net-Zero and Low Carbon Solutions for the Energy Sector
Guide to choosing and investing in decarbonization technologies for the energy sector
Net-Zero and Low Carbon Solutions for the Energy Sector proposes mature (high technology readiness level) net-zero and low carbon pathways and technologies in the energy sector, discussing net-/near-zero solutions for producing and storing power, heat, biofuel, and hydrogen, and highlighting various pathways and processes to achieve net-zero targets and address climate concerns.
Each chapter provides a relevant case study to aid in the practical application of concepts, covering decarbonization solutions that have high potential to be used in the near future, such as solar-hybrid systems for net-zero power generation, CCUS-hybrid systems for low carbon power generation, pumped hydropower for power storage, commercial concentrating solar power plants for heat generation, gasification with CCUS for biofuel production, hybrid thermochemical process for hydrogen production, and more.
Written from the perspective of firsthand research experience in the field, this book includes information on:
* Net-zero power generation via solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, hydrogen, and marine processes
* Near-zero power generation via nuclear, coal, natural gas, biomass, and ammonia processes
* Mechanical and battery-based power storage and heat storage via physical and thermochemical processes
* Near-zero heat generation processes and biofuels production, including biogas, biomethane, bioethanol, and biodiesel
* Hydrogen production via electrolysis and thermochemical processes with CCUS and low-emission technologies for hydrogen storage
Net-Zero and Low Carbon Solutions for the Energy Sector is a valuable resource for business professionals, academics, and policy makers who are active in contributing to net-zero emissions targets for keeping the atmospheric CO2 levels in an acceptable range.


Amin Mirkouei is an Associate Professor at University of Idaho, Forbes sustainability contributor, certified Professional Engineer (PE), and experienced Technologist. He has over 12 years of experience contributing and leading cross-disciplinary projects in decarbonization technologies, renewable materials, sustainable design and manufacturing, cyber-physical control and optimization, and operations research, particularly renewable fuels, green chemicals, and rare earth elements and minerals. He has published and co-authored over 50 articles in scientific journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings.


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