Attitudes and Motivation of Igbo L2 learners of English - Amos Wesonga

Amos Wesonga

Attitudes and Motivation of Igbo L2 learners of English

Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook , 5 Seiten
EAN 9783668791763
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller GRIN Verlag
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Academic Paper from the year 2017 in the subject American Studies - Literature, The University of Memphis, language: English, abstract: Nigerian learners of English as the second language do better in written as compared to when they speak. Mainly, their pronunciations do not rhyme with what they write. Thus, the focus of this research paper is to propose the need to analyze the attitudes and motivation of Igbo natives to learn English as their second Language. The proposal takes into account the definitions of related terms, the literature review that surrounds second language learning and the various factors that affect the same across the world, as well as the methods that are intended to be used to establish the outcome of the study. In its conclusion, the paper summarizes the reasons for the choice of topic and methods of collecting and analyzing data, as well as the potential outcome.

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