Amy Brent

Knocked Up By My Brother's Best Friend

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393188702
EAN 9781393188704
Veröffentlicht November 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Amy Brent
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

He's not the kind of man I should want
But he's everything I need
Our attraction is instant
Our problems are immediate
If I lose him, I fear I'll lose myself.
He's a bad boy who lives hard and plays harder…but somehow, I can't resist him…
I know I'm not a failure, even after dropping out of college, but the challenge is proving it to everyone else. And when an opportunity knocks, I know I'm going to grab it and convert it into something meaningful.
I didn't expect Leo Delaney. He's the town troublemaker, a ripped alpha male who is nothing I need, but everything my curves crave. I know my brother wouldn't approve of me getting involved with his best friend, but how can I resist when Leo's body is as bitingly hot as his tongue?
And that's why when things heat up between us, we decide to keep it a secret, no matter what.
…So what will I do now that I'm pregnant with his baby?
She's broken all my rules, but I might end up breaking her heart. That is, if she doesn't break mine first.
I lived my life by two simple rules: Never stay in one place too long, and never stay with the same woman for more than three nights. I ran through women like wine and savored every single sip. I knew what I wanted and I let nothing stand in my way.
Then Quinn Moore crashed into my life and shattered all of my rules.
Every time I lock eyes with her, all sense and 'shoulds' go out of the window
The only problem?
Her brother is my best friend and I know if he ever finds out about us, I'm a dead man. Even knowing the score, I can't keep my hands off her. She's smart, irresistible, and oh man…that hourglass figure…it should be illegal. She's dangerous in the best way and despite the sneaking around, secrets and siblings, I can't resist her.
This is messed up, way too messed up!

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