Amy Sparling

Autumn Unlocked (Summer Unplugged, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386307874
EAN 9781386307877
Veröffentlicht Februar 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Amy Sparling
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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After a summer grounded from technology, Bayleigh is back home and rebuilding her relationship with her mother. Her boyfriend Jace keeps his promise and stays in Texas, where he works at a local motocross track.
Knowing her relationship with Jace is something special and not like all the guys before him, Bayleigh is determined to keep their love strong, despite his notorious fame in the motocross world and the dozens of girls throwing themselves at him in his new job.
The Entire Series
Book 1 - Summer Unplugged
Book 2 - Autumn Unlocked
Book 3 - Winter Untold
Book 4 - Spring Unleashed
Book 5 - The Beginning of Forever (a novel)
Book 6 - Autumn Adventure
Book 7 - Winter Wonderful
Book 8 - The Girl with my Heart (a novel from Jace's point of view)
Book 9 - Autumn Awakening
Book 10 - Winter Whirlwind
Plus the spin-off series:
The Summer Series
The Believe in Love series


Amy Sparling is the bestselling author of books for teens and the teens at heart. She lives on the coast of Texas with her family, her spoiled rotten pets, and a huge pile of books. She graduated with a degree in English and has worked at a bookstore, coffee shop, and a fashion boutique. Her fashion skills aren't the best, but luckily she turned her love of coffee and books into a writing career that means she can work in her pajamas. Her favorite things are coffee, book boyfriends, and Netflix binges.
She's always loved reading books from R. L. Stine's Fear Street series, to The Baby Sitter's Club series by Ann, Martin, and of course, Twilight. She started writing her own books in 2010 and now publishes several books a year.

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