Anand Prakash

A Mother's Ambition (Decision Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386899631
EAN 9781386899631
Veröffentlicht April 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Anand Prakash
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Our decisions define us and our life is full of them.
In this short story, Lata goes to a village fair with her husband, Ramesh, and has to decide
- whether to buy old cheap bangles or try some new and costly ones
- whether to drink juice or eat popular food items
- whether to buy cheapest vermillion available in the village fair or not
and lastly,
- whether to buy the toy car which his son, Bannu, has asked last year.
She has to take decision keeping in mind the debt of village's grocery shopkeeper.
Will she sacrifice happiness in order to achieve her ambition?
And most importantly: is sacrifice worth the ambition?
I hope this story will throw light on tough decisions parents make for their children and how universal their sacrifices are.


Anand Prakash is researcher by profession and writer by passion. In his fiction and poetry, he writes about relationships and their meanings. He has finished a collection of short stories and a book of poetry on relationships. Some of his experimental fictions have appeared in z-composition, Crack the Spine, Fictitious magazine, the Delinquent issue 20, Miser magazine issue VII. His writing can be found at
Email him at for comments about the story and questions on writing process. He looks forward to hear back from you.

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