Andrew Wichland

Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1087929512
EAN 9781087929514
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Andrew Wichland
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dragon Rider Prophecy is a Fantasy Novel that is a good read for you if you like The Lord of the Rings, The Dragon Riders of Pern, Jessica Drake, and Ava Richardson.
The Dragon Rider Prophecy is a Dragon Fantasy about Logan and Johanna who are leading ordinary lives as college co-eds. They were adopted by a good family when they were young. They've wanted nothing… as both had dreams of playing hockey and leading ordinary lives. until a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny.
Their newfound knowledge isn't what they think. As they learn more details, their abilities grow stronger and danger finds its way to them. The young Dragon Riders are forced to embrace their abilities, get the proper training, and face insurmountable danger. If they don't embrace who they are born to be, they and the hopes of the entire world will be no more.


Andrew Wichland was born to write. For as long as he can remember, he wanted to be anywhere other than where he was.
An outcast by any standards, he spent his young life and most of his adulthood being the underdog. Often overlooked or ridiculed by peers, "professionals", and members of his family, Andrew discovered that life outside of his head was cruel, but in his imagination, he could be anyone he wanted to be. That discovery made the rural Sandwich, New Hampshire native actively seek out the good in life.
Living as a high-functioning adult on the spectrum, he has overcome many obstacles, but never let them strip him of his dreams to write stories readers will love and to try new things, no matter how difficult they were. His stories are his lifeline and his dearest friends.
If you want to learn more about Andrew and see where his imagination takes him.

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