Andy Leeks

As They Slept (The comical tales of a London commuter)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781513051956
Veröffentlicht August 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Andy Leeks
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The autobiographical tale of a stubborn, thirty something commuter, who wasn't prepared to lose a petty argument on Facebook.
Infuriated by the snoozing passengers surrounding him, Andy posted a status declaring that sleeping on trains is a complete waste of time.
His friends disagreed.
In a bid to prove them wrong, Andy set out to write a book from start to finish on the daily commute.
"As They Slept" is a collection of comical tales of travel and trepidation, guaranteed to make you laugh.
In his well received first book, Andy sets out to explain how to eradicate lost property, why women can't use their pockets, and exactly when it's ok to lie.
Customer Reviews:
"There are not many books out there that I have found that I actually laugh out loud to! This was one exception!"
"Great concept, Brilliantly written and something that pretty much everyone can relate to!"
"I really enjoyed this and have truly laughed out loud several times (much to the annoyance of people around me) so that makes it a winner for me!"
"This had me laughing all the way through, a great read after a stressful day too!"
"This is an absolutely hilarious book. I highly recommend it if you are looking for some light reading and a giggle."
"A thoroughly enjoyable book. Very perceptive and so very funny. Am looking forward to the next release. Best witty book I have come across in ages."
"A great idea and an easy read. Hugely entertaining, and laugh out loud funny in places. Looking forward to part two."
"Such a clever idea, lighthearted and thoughtful in equal measure, as well as being extremely well delivered."

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