Ann Rockley, Charles Cooper

Managing Enterprise Content

A Unified Content Strategy. 2. Auflage. Electronic book text. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 384 Seiten
ISBN 0132931648
EAN 9780132931649
Veröffentlicht Februar 2012
Verlag/Hersteller New Riders

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Smartphones, eBook readers, and tablet computers like the Apple iPad have forever changed the way people access and interact with content. Your customers expect the content you provide them to be adaptive --responding to the device, their location, their situation, and their personalized needs.
Authors Ann Rockley and Charles Cooper provide insights and guidelines that will help you develop a unified content strategy-a repeatable, systematic plan that can help you reach your customers, anytime, anywhere, on any device.
This up-to-date new edition of Managing Enterprise Content helps you:
- Determine business requirements - Build your vision - Design content that adapts to any device - Develop content models, metadata, and workflow - Put content governance in place - Adapt to new and changed roles - Identify tools requirements With this book you'll learn to design adaptable content that frees you from the tyranny of an ever increasing array of devices.


Ann Rockley, President of The Rockley Group, Inc. has an international reputation for developing XML-based content strategies. She has been instrumental in establishing the field in eContent, content reuse, intelligent content strategies for multi-platform delivery, eBooks, and content management best practices.
Charles Cooper, Vice President of The Rockley Group, Inc., has over 20 years of experience in quality assurance and over 15 years of experience in eContent, user experience, taxonomy, workflow design, composition, and digital publishing. He teaches, facilitates modeling sessions and develops taxonomy and workflow strategies.

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