Anna Daly-McCabe

A Forbidden Time

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533791112
EAN 9781533791115
Veröffentlicht Juni 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Mizen Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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He had power, money and a privileged life but he was trapped in a loveless marriage to a woman who was as cold as ice.
She was young, innocent, and a victim of her customs but she was everything he ever wanted.
They shared stolen moments of love and craved to be together but that was a tragic dream as life dealt the fated lovers a cruel deal.
A Forbidden time is a beautiful story of forbidden love set against the back drop of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Pierre Kroeger has it all, wealth and power but what he wants is to be free to love Sadie, a young Xhosa woman that works for him in his mansion.
Apartheid law forbids the sexual relations between Afrikaners and coloureds, such a union would be considered criminal and both parties sent to jail. But it was a risk that both Pierre and Sadie were willing to take because of their love for each other.
Tragedy strikes the star crossed lovers as South Africa begins to implode on itself, rioting every night spreads across the country and a State of Emergency is declared. As the riots become more hostile and police action more sinister Pierre is forced to protect his family but at what cost?
A forbidden time is about love in a time of political and civil unrest in a country as diverse as the Continent itself....

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