Anna Rose Johnson

The Star That Always Stays

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0823452891
EAN 9780823452897
Veröffentlicht Juli 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Holiday House
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,49 inkl. MwSt.
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When bright and spirited Norvia moves from the country to the city, she has to live by one new rule: Never let anyone know you're Ojibwe.
Growing up on Beaver Island, Grand-père told Norvia stories-stories about her ancestor Migizi, about Biboonke-o-nini the Wintermaker, about the Crane Clan and the Reindeer Clan. He sang her songs in the old language, and her grandmothers taught her to make story quilts and maple candy. On the island, Norvia was proud of her Ojibwe heritage.
Things are different in the city. Here, Norvia's mother forces her to pretend she's not Native at all-even to Mr. Ward, Ma's new husband, and to Vernon, Norvia's irritating new stepbrother. In fact, there are a lot of changes in the city: ten-cent movies, gleaming soda shops, speedy automobiles, ninth grade. It's dizzying for a girl who grew up on the forested shores of Lake Michigan.
Despite the move, the upheaval, and the looming threat of world war, Norvia and her siblings-all five of them-are determined to make 1914 their best year ever. Norvia is certain that her future depends upon it... and upon her discretion.
But how can she have the best year ever if she has to hide who she truly is?
Sensitive, enthralling, and classic in sensibility (perfect for Anne of Green Gables fans), this tender coming-of-age story about an introspective and brilliant Native American heroine thoughtfully addresses assimilation, racism, and divorce, as well as everygirl problems like first crushes, making friends, and the joys and pains of a blended family. Often funny, often heartbreaking, The Star That Always Stays is a fresh and vivid story directly inspired by Anna Rose Johnson's family history.
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection!
A Parnassus Books Spark Club Pick!
"INSPIRING."-Kirkus Reviews
"A NEW CLASSIC."-Southern Bookseller Review
"INTIMATE."-Publishers Weekly
"UNPUTDOWNABLE."-Anne Bustard, author of Parents' Choice Book Award Winner Blue Skies
"LOVINGLY WOVEN... PAIRS WELL WITH 'THE BIRCHBARK HOUSE.'"-Cynthia Leitich Smith, NYT-bestselling author of Ancestor Approved


Anna Rose Johnson is a journalist, blogger, and seasoned correspondent for Inside Gymnastics. Anna is passionate about historical fiction, the Native experience, and writing for children. She is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians; her debut, The Star That Always Stays (an NPR Best Book of the Year), is directly based on her great-grandmother. Find her at

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