Annabelle Greene

The Vicar and the Rake

A Gay Regency Historical Romance. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0369700074
EAN 9780369700070
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Carina Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Debut author Annabelle Greene brings us the brilliant first book in her Society of Beasts series, in which a quiet country vicar is unwillingly reunited with the duke who left him long ago…
As a young man, Sir Gabriel Winters left behind his status as a gentleman, turning his back on his secret desires and taking a self-imposed vow of celibacy. Now a chaste hard-working vicar, his reputation is beyond reproach. But, try as he might, he's never forgotten the man he once desired or the pain of being abandoned by his first love.
Edward Stanhope, the Duke of Caddonfell, is a notorious rake, delighting in scandal no matter the consequence. With a price on his head, he flees to the countryside, forced to keep his presence a secret or risk assassination. When Edward finds Gabriel on his estate, burning with fever, he cannot leave him to die, but taking him in puts them both in jeopardy.
With the help of a notorious blackmailer, a society of rich and famous gentlemen who prefer gentlemen, and a kitten named Buttons, they might just manage to save Edward's life-but the greatest threat may be to their hearts.
Society of Beasts:
Book 1: The Vicar and the Rake
Book 2: The Soldier and the Spy

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