Anne Morrison

Historical Romance: Claimed by the Highlander A Highland Scottish Romance (The Highlands Warring, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393560814
EAN 9781393560814
Veröffentlicht Februar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Anne Morrison
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Claimed By The Highlander - A Historical Romance Book
They were ill-matched...
He's charming and deadly.
She's intoxicating and skeptical.
What happens when an English lady with a secret meets a Scottish Highlander with a history?
Lady Elizabeth Kendall is on the run…
There is no one she can trust.
Her parents are dead.
And… her uncle seeks to involve her in a terrible plot!
There is only one solution, one hope for her.
That is to run north.
Her cousin Devon Montgomery holds an English claim on Scottish land.
She disguises herself as a maid, never thinking what is ahead of her.
The only one who can help her is the blank-shield soldier who pulls her from a terrible situation.
Reade MacTaggart.
But … Reade is not as he seems.
He's no more a mercenary than she is a maid.
Instead … he's a Scottish Highlander, the younger brother of Laird MacTaggart-of the infamous Clan Mactaggart.
There is only one reason that Reade came south.
That is to spy for his clan.
Just when he thought to go home, an English girl with more beauty than money falls into his lap, and Reade finds that he cannot resist.
In a dark and violent era, Elizabeth and Reade find each other, but will they be able to keep each other?
Or will she be taken from him?


Anne Morrison is a multi-voiced writer who aspires to use different voices in telling her stories, seeing characters coming alive through the multi-faceted writing styles give her great satisfaction.
As a young girl, Anne has been fascinated with romance stories of Scottish Highlander where brooding, glaring heroes fight to win the hearts of strong-willed, captivating heroines.
Such an act requires bravery, such an act requires faith.
She now lives in south London with her husband and two lovely children.

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