Arnaud Andrieu

Once Upon a Time the Universe: Anharmonic Oscillator

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 147169223X
EAN 9781471692239
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
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In this volume II we will see the functioning of our universe and atomic based on the oscillation of the particle itself. We can take first the example of a gravitational oscillator where energy conservation occurs with an oscillatory movement between Kinetic Energy KE and Potential Energy PE. This mechanism describes a classical oscillator, and becomes at very high frequency a flux of mass-energy equivalence of the particle in an explanation of quantum fluctuation. Indeed the movement of the particle make it go through different physical stages due to its high speed of displacement until the QCD Quantum ChromoDynamics. In the second time the high kinetics of the particle makes it possible to avoid the gravitational singularity of the black hole type. Indeed during its passage at high speed at x=0 at the bottom of the energy potential allows to avoid this singularity by tracing the Higgs field. In volume I it was about an oscillation between singularity and matter, whereas in volume II the particle oscillates between antimatter and matter, followed by an singularity avoidance. In other words, this book describes a gravitational unification of quantum mechanics to the workings of the anharmonic oscillator.


Volume I "Explain Quantum Physics With a Single-Particle in Motion: Anharmonic Oscillator" ISBN

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