Arthur Conan Doyle

The Maracot Deep

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 130 Seiten
ISBN 8381154847
EAN 9788381154840
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This is one of the works of fiction published during Doyle-s life. Published in 1929, only a year before the author-s death, this short novel amply demonstrates that Doyle still retained all his great abilities as a spinner of riveting yarns, even in his twilight years. The book concerns Maracot-s exploration of the world beneath the sea. Maracot and his companions find themselves stranded on the ocean floor, and discover a very unexpected world, in fact a civilisation, deep beneath the waves. They are introduced to a remarkable and ancient society that expands their knowledge of human civilization-s history and then even more so, their understanding of planes of existence.Their visions of the future of humanity possess an optimism and a romance that simply isn-t possible to writers today.

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