Ashley Brooke, Lindsey C McKernan

Ashes No More

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 212 Seiten
EAN 9798218357825
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Babysitting Money

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In this honest and thoughtful memoir, comedian Ashley Brooke explores the nightmares, apologies, and ruptured relationships that paved her journey of healing and transformation from the broken girl next door to the woman she was always meant to be.
From the outside, the house looked like every other house on the street, but the sin living within its walls and the lasting damage to the little girl inside were far from normal.
Years after escaping the haunted walls of the house where Ashley spent her childhood, Ashes No More recalls the enduring abuse she suffered that resulted in chronic health issues and broken relationships. Her road to recovery wasn't easy-she suffered toxic boyfriends, dead-end jobs, and endless medical treatments. But through all the healing and heartbreak, God was by her side. With her faith in God, Ashley has found strength in a story of immense pain, one that has still not found its end. She continues building a stable foundation for life after trauma, taking it one step-and joke-at a time.
Despite having the odds stacked against her, Ashley rose from the ashes, stronger than ever. Ashes No More shows readers that life goes on, even after tremendous hardship and pain. Sometimes, you just have to laugh through it all.

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