Ashley L. Hunt

Alien Romance: Alien Battle: The Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Romance (Book 1) Preview (The Euthenian Battle, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524297348
EAN 9781524297343
Veröffentlicht Februar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Ashley L. Hunt
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A Sci-Fi (Science Fiction) Alien Romance
*This book is a sample. It contains only the 10% of the actual book. If you want to check the following chapter and follow the link at the end of the book
Introducing Awarded to the Alien, book one in the hot and sexy new The Euthenian Battle series by Ashley L. Hunt...
Kerr, the Alpha male, the Prince of The Euthenian Nebula, is a man with a mission to unite Earth and his planet.
Kataline, a strong and well-educated young woman and the first of the genetically modified females to be awarded to an alien.
She's not happy with her predetermined fate.
He thinks it will be easy to handle her.
Something changes when they see each other…
But …
Some promises are meant to be broken…
Some others have different plans for the young couple, other than mating…
An uprising stage at The Euthenian Nebula, while the Royal family and their guards are away on Earth!
-"Take her to the holding chamber."
- "No!"
Is it really Kataline's fault? Is she just a pawn in all this? What will happen between the Prince and his new Princess?
*A hot and sexy Sci-Fi Alien romance, perfect for fans of A.G. Riddle, Ruby Dixon and Calista Skye *
Note: This book contains some strong language. We felt it was important for the censorship theme of the novel. If such words offend you, you might not enjoy this book.


Ashley Hunt gained her Philosophy degree in Denver, Colorado at The University of Colorado. She made Denver her permanent home when she married her college sweetheart. Married six years the couple has a five-year-old daughter and a yellow Labrador named Oodles. Living in the shadow of Gray's Peak proves to be inspirational to Ashley as she sits at her desk in her home office where she writes her Sci Fi Romance stories and can merely look out the window to renew her creativity. She strives to make stories with beautiful scenery and intriguing plots. Heroes with great strengths, physical and mental, she pairs with strong heroines who test their limits. In the end, finding deep, passionate love. The way she thinks every relationship should be.

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