Barbara Taylor Sissel

Safe Keeping

ebook Ausgabe. First edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1472094441
EAN 9781472094445
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins Publishers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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At the heart of every crime, there's a family???
My son is a murderer???. So begins this chilling and emotionally charged mystery from highly acclaimed author Barbara Taylor Sissel.
Emily Lebay had always thought of her family as ordinary. Sure, they've endured their share of problems, even a time of great trouble???what family hasn't? But when a woman's body turns up in the dense woods near their home, and Emily's grown son, Tucker, is accused of murder, Emily is forced to confront the unfathomable, and everything she believed about her life is called into question.
This isn't the first time Tucker has been targeted by the police; a year ago he was a person of interest when another woman was found dead in the same stretch of woods. Still, neither Emily nor her daughter, Lissa, can reconcile their Tucker with these brutal crimes. Terrified, convinced there's been a tragic mistake, Emily and Lissa set out to learn the truth about Tucker, once and for all. And while his life hangs in the balance, what they discover proves far more shocking than their darkest fears???.
"A gut-wrenching mystery???enjoyable and insightful." ???RT Book Reviews on Evidence of Life


Barbara Taylor Sissel is the author of five novels, including Evidence of Life and Safe Keeping. With heartfelt emotion and page-turning suspense, her stories focus on ordinary families and what happens when they are abruptly confronted with extraordinary circumstances. In addition to writing, Barbara is an avid gardener and the mother of two sons. She lives and writes in a small garden cottage on a farm located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.

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