Beca Lewis

Jatismar: A Past Life Forgiven (Stories From Doveland, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386803723
EAN 9781386803720
Veröffentlicht März 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Perception Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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JAY KALAN HAS DIED BEFORE, and this time, he's hellbent on getting it right.
Remembering his past life isn't a perk for this jatismar. It's one of Jay's curses. He is in constant battle fighting to remember which lifetime he is living. But one thing is for sure, no matter what life he's in, Jay Kalan will stop at nothing until he gets revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter.
When ten-year-old Hannah enters his life, there's a familiarity in her that Jay is determined to uncover. And Hannah will do everything she can to help Jay--while still protecting her new family.
As the secrets begin to unfold, the line between revenge and forgiveness blurs.
Suddenly, Jay's circle of friends and enemies becomes skewed, and he's unsure of who he can trust. With the help of Hannah and a strong father-figure, will he let go of his desire for revenge, or will his past destroy any future happiness he may have?
Continue the journey with your favorite Doveland characters as their Karass grows, and their unique gifts evolve.
It's a quest for community and togetherness that you won't want to miss.
The Stories From Doveland are a series of stand-alone books, but they do follow an order.
Karass - Pragma - Jatismar -Stemma - Exousia -Paragnosis - In-Between - Missing - Out Of Nowhere


BECA LEWIS always wanted to be a writer, but there were a few pit stops along the way. She has been a dancer, teacher, stockbroker, financial planner, club dancer (read this any way you wish), waitress, web designer, headhunter (the civilized kind), and a diamond broker to just name a few. All this while trying to be a decent mother to three kids, a step-mother to five more, and a grandmother to the five, almost grown, best-looking grandchildren in the world. All these experiences are the perfect fodder for book writing! Beca's non-fiction Shift Series covers the system she developed and has coached for over twenty-five years. At this point, she is going to claim there is no time, so she doesn't have to think about age. She'll show you why you don't have to either in this practical and inspirational series. Beca's fiction explores stories around the concepts of other dimensions, love that transcends time and space, and where good always triumphs over evil. The best part of writing? Being an introvert on purpose, living in imagination, and then sharing it all with readers and friends.

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