Becca St. John

An Independent Miss (Women of the Woods, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540191052
EAN 9781540191052
Veröffentlicht Januar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Winterbourne Farm Publishing, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

What's love to do with anything? ….
Immersed in her herbal laboratory, Lady Felicity secretly yearns for a dashing, romantic love straight from a gothic novel. So when her brother's houseguest, Lord Andover, presses her hands to his chest, and proposes, she is too stunned to take in his words of undying love. Words he surely spoke. Didn't he? Oh, drat, she should have listened.
Victims of misguided and inept medical men, Lord Andover's father and brothers are in their graves, his mother lost to the apothecary's opium. Desperate to save his mother, give her a will to live, he sets three goals: marry a sweet, soothing young lady, produce an heir and free them of apothecaries and quacks. In return he offers all he that he is, all that he owns, except his beleaguered heart.
… Title, wealth, and good name are all a man need offer.


Writing was a tool, not a toy, until a stay in a haunted hotel and a bookcase full of dog-eared romances. Hooked, Becca read old romances, new romances, both sexy and sweet, until her own tales begged to be written.
Living in Florida, Becca divides her time between dreaming up stories, diving deep into history, kayaking, and swimming. Her husband gives her the space she needs by fishing in the mangroves and waterways or watching football (the English sort) with his British buddies. Becca and her hubby break the routine with adventure travel; though, at heart, Becca is a homebody believing there is no greater playground than inside the mind.

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