Ben Aaronovitch

The Masquerades of Spring

The Brand New Rivers of London Novella. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 147322442X
EAN 9781473224421
Veröffentlicht 5. September 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Orion
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

New York City, New York.
Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young - fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad - as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps.
That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone - which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows...

'Ben Aaronovitch has created a wonderful world full of mystery, magic and fantastic characters. I love being there more than the real London'
'As brilliant and funny as ever'
'Charming, witty, exciting'
'An incredibly fast-moving magical joyride for grown-ups'

Discover why this incredible series has sold over two million copies around the world. If you're a fan of Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams - don't panic - you will love Ben Aaronovitch's imaginative, irreverent and all-round irresistible novels.


Ben Aaronovitch

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