Bernardine Kennedy


A heartrending novel of the bond between mother and son. None. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9780755388134
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
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Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Her child has vanished. Her husband is not the man she thinks he is. Can Jessie ever get her life back?
Taken is the heart-wrenching drama from Bernardine Kennedy of the strength of love, motherhood and hope. Perfect for fans of Rosie Goodwin and Dilly Court.
'Bernardine Kennedy has the measure of this kind of women's writing, and there will be an enthusiastic audience for Taken' - Publishing News
Jessica Patterson's comfortable, settled life seems idyllic and her marriage perfect. She met American Sheldon Patterson on holiday in Mexico and fell for him instantly. Good looking and easy going as well as financially secure, he was everything Jessie wanted in a husband. When they have a son, CJ, her happiness is complete. Jessie is besotted with her son and her life revolves around him, while his father constantly travels for his business. So when Sheldon announces one day that he is going to take CJ away for a few days to Disneyland, Paris - to 'bond' with his son - Jessie is persuaded to let them go. Her nightmare begins when they don't return...
What readers are saying about Taken:
'A gripping plot and very unputdownable'
'Great writing, this book is an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish'


Bernardine Kennedy

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