Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies - Bill Hughes

Bill Hughes

Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies

1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 48.
pdf eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1119502896
EAN 9781119502890
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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The bestselling guide to getting the most out of your Android Samsung Galaxy S9
Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies documents all the features and capabilities of this popular smartphone, approaching them from the point of view of a user who is perhaps a bit baffled by the documentation and online support that comes with the phone. All aspects of the device are covered, from setup and configuration, to extensive use of the new features and capabilities.
Whether you're looking for approachable guidance on the basics like texting, e-mailing, and accessing the internet, or more advanced topics like downloading apps, synching with a PC, and expanding the phone's potential with new software releases, this trusted resource covers it all.
* Take pictures, watch movies, and record videos
* Use maps and navigation
* Stay connected on social networking sites
* Make sense of software updates
You'll want to keep this book close by, referring to it often as you explore the features and functions of your new Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone.


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