Bill Johnson

A Story is a Promise & The Spirit of Storytelling

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1452407932
EAN 9781452407937
Veröffentlicht April 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Bill Johnson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A Story is a Promise offers a clear, concise look into the mechanics of how to tell a story and how a story engages and rewards the attention of an audience. Examples are used from popular books, movies, and plays, including a scene by scene breakdown of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and reviews of The Usual Suspects and the novel The Lovely Bones, which includes a story diagram to help new authors to understand how to plot a story.
The Spirit of Storytelling focuses on how writers can give their story character fully realized internal lives. This new section includes reviews of Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse and Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveler.
The book is a great resource to help new writers understand the process of telling a story, how to make good choices for describing characters, and how to set up a plot that makes a story compelling.
Learn how to write a great play, screenplay, or novel through understanding successful writers. Learn from the masters!


Bill Johnson is author of A Story is a Promise and The Spirit of Storytelling, a writing workbook, and web master of Essays on the Craft of Dramatic Writing, a site that explores principles of storytelling through reviews of popular movies, books and plays ( He's taught writing workshops around the U.S. He has read manuscript submissions for literary agents. His afterlife play, The Baggage Handler, was chosen as one of the best ten minute plays and published by Smith and Kraus. Bill was office manager for Willamette Writers, a Pacific Northwest non-profit writing group, until September 2017. He has taught an online workshop through Pennwriters.

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