Blake Pieck

Chemistry Part Four Dictionary (Grow Your Vocabulary, #31)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224898442
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Blake Pieck
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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1st Edition of my Chemistry Part Four Dictionary. Covers over 3900 words and phrases that focus on 3 topics.
Embark on a journey through the core pillars of chemistry with the "Chemistry Part Four Dictionary," a vital resource crafted to elucidate the complex worlds of Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Polymer Chemistry. This authoritative dictionary is tailored for students, educators, and professionals who are passionate about diving deeper into the molecular fabric that weaves our physical reality.
Organic Chemistry: Delve into the carbon-based backbone of life. This section offers a comprehensive exploration of the structures, properties, and reactions of organic compounds. From the simplest hydrocarbons to the most complex biomolecules, readers will gain insights into the mechanisms that drive organic synthesis, reactivity, and the application of these principles in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and materials science.
Physical Chemistry: Bridge the gap between physics and chemistry. This segment demystifies the quantitative aspects of chemical systems, focusing on thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy. Understand the forces that dictate the speed of chemical reactions, the energy changes that accompany these processes, and the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Through clear explanations and examples, this part elucidates the principles that underpin chemical and physical behavior at the molecular level.
Polymer Chemistry: Step into the versatile world of macromolecules. This section is dedicated to the study of polymers, their synthesis, characterization, and the physical properties that make them indispensable in daily life and advanced technological applications. From plastic manufacturing to biodegradable polymers, learn about the science behind polymer design and the innovations leading the way toward sustainable materials.

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