Bob Woodward

Meeting Spirit Beings

How to Converse with Personal Guides, Guardian Angels and the Christ. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 168 Seiten
ISBN 1912992612
EAN 9781912992614
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Clairview Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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How can we connect and converse with our personal spirit guides, our guardian angel and even the Christ? In a compelling and uplifting new work, Bob Woodward offers advice and suggestions on how we can link consciously with the spirit beings who seek to support us in everyday life. He demonstrates how, by reaching out to them, we can facilitate greater engagement and even direct dialogue.
In the first part of Meeting Spirit Beings, we are introduced to human qualities that can awaken us to our personal spirit guides. 'Intentionality', 'silence', 'trust' and 'gratitude' are all important milestones on our inner path. Bob shares personal reflections as well as actual conversations with his own guides, who offer insights into methods and processes. In the second part of the book, we are encouraged to build a mindful relationship with our guardian angel, who accompanies us on earth, after death and during future incarnations. We are taught how to coordinate our life's path with our angel and to facilitate a healing and supportive relationship.
Finally, the author offers transcripts of an extraordinary series of 'conversations' with the Christ being - a dialogue he initiated one Christmas. If Christ is there to offer love and support to all human beings, should it not be possible to enter into direct dialogue with him? Bob's attempts result in an inspiring series of discussions that offer beautiful perceptions of the meaning of life, death and eternity.


DR BOB WOODWARD was born in 1947 in Gloucester, United Kingdom. Having studied at state and Steiner schools, he became a co-worker at the Sheiling School in Thornbury, a centre of the Camphill Community, based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). He remained within the Camphill Movement for some forty years, teaching children with special educational needs, retiring in 2012. He took a special interest in understanding autism in children and young people. At the age of 46, Bob received an MEd degree from Bristol University, followed by an MPhil at the age of 50 and a PhD from the University of the West of England at the age of 64. As well as being a qualified educator, he is a spiritual healer and the author of several books, including Knowledge of Spirit Worlds, Journeying Into Spirit Worlds and Karma in Human Life. He has been married for some 46 years and has five grown-up children and currently ten grandchildren.

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