Bonnie R. Paulson, Bonnie Sweets

Downshift (Downshift Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540172511
EAN 9781540172518
Veröffentlicht April 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Captiva Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Praise for Downshift..."This was a sweet story that involved real emotions. It was a descriptive and easy read like all of this author's books.""I would highly recommend this book for anyone. Watching JT and Kelsey try to sort through their feelings was entertaining and lovable at the same time.""I certainly recommend reading this book and can't wait for the next installment. Be warned, as with all other of Bonnie's books - be prepared not to put this one down until you are finished - she is very talented at hooking you in and not letting you go until before you know it, you have read the whole book and are dying for more!"
A lonely dirt bike champion and one nurse desperate to deny the daredevil in her heart. When one crashes into the other's world, can they help each other escape their lonely lives?
Or are they destined to run from their hearts for all seasons.
J.T. is one of the top dirt bike champions in the US. With sponsors and races filling his calendar, he should be happy in his success. But until his ten year contract is up, he's tied to the controlling and thieving management of his father.
Kelsey's responsibilities are crashing around her. The only way to get ahead is to get a job that pays more and with impossibly specific benefits. If she can't succeed, her dreams will fade like her grandmother's memories.
An accident thrusts J.T. into Kelsey's care. She accepts his proposal and challenges him for a price. But when their emotions and attractions get in the way of their mutual goals, they need to choose which is more important - their hearts or their dreams?
*Books by Bonnie R. Paulson*
Contemporary Romance
With This Click, I Thee Wed (book 1) (book 2)
DIY Vows (book 3)
eHoneymoon (book 4)
Keyword: I Do (book 5)
Let US-B Wed (book 6)
The Right Click (book 7)
Downshift (book 1)
Full Throttle (book 2)
Block Pass (book 3)


Real people, real loss, real love.
This USA Today Bestselling author, Bonnie focuses on the emotional thrill of the romance, the discovery of self and the dynamic forces at play to both pull and push love growth.
With 6 children and her own eternal romance at home, Bonnie lives her own dream every day. She's spoiled with blessings and wants to share the joy of ever-after possibilities with others.
Whether it's a happy-ever-after or a happy-for-now, the emotions will leave you story drunk for days, if not years.
Feel good romances with sweet twists. Or is it Sweet romances with bold twists? You decide.
You'll be able to say where you were when you closed the book.
Surviving all things real and coming out better on the other side.
Some of her favorite authors are Robyn Carr, Pamela Kelley, and Christine Kingsley!

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