Book Tigers

Summary and Analysis Of How Not to Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss by Michael Greger (Book Tigers Health and Diet Summaries)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201319250
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2021
Verlag/Hersteller BOOK TIGERS
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Summary and Analysis of How Not to Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss ByDr. Michael Greger, M.D.
In this book, Dr. Greger draws to the importance of understanding the digits associated with weight loss before one can decide to embark on the weight loss journey. He asks the critical question such as "What it means to be overweight?" Overweight people have too much body fat, but obese people have way too much fat. He spells out the various BMI ranges from the ideal weight, overweight to obese. According to medical professions, a BMI of under 25 is the 'normal weight', but this changed in America from the late 1980s.
The term 'Overweight' became the new 'Normal weight,' and things have worsened ever since. This book had been divided into five parts and analyzed accordingly. Part I entitled "The Problem" contains three chapters (1-3). Chapter 1 investigates factors that led to the rise of obesity in the USA and around the globe. Chapter 2 discusses the consequences of the obesity pandemic. Chapter 3 focuses on a number of solutions adopted in the fight against obesity. Part II has one chapter i.e. Chapter 4 titled "Ingredients for the Ideal Weight Loss-Diet" which explores the key ingredients for the development of the ideal recipe. Part III consists of Chapter 5 where the author builds the optimal weight loss diet from the ground up. Chapter 6 of the book makes up Part IV which is titled "Weight-Loss Boosters". In the chapter, tricks and tweaks to accelerate weight loss even for stubborn fat are unveiled. Part V titled "Dr. Greger's Twenty-One Tweaks" highlights the final chapter which shows further efforts by the author to encourage people to eat healthily and lose weight..
Includes:Book Summary OverviewChapter by Chapter AnalysisBackground Information about the bookBackground information about the authorTrivia questions, Discussion questionsAnd much more
Why you must read, the Book Tigers Summary and Analysis books:Provides you accurate, precise and insightful information with the best quality Summary and Analysis books.Team of professional native-English writers and editors committed to provides you the best reading experience.Includes Bonus material to keep your mind at the top!
This is not intended to replace the original book, but to serve as a companion to it and provide you with an excellent reading experience.
The "Summary and Analysis" collection by Book Tigers Publishing is the perfect way to take advantage of some of the best-selling books available, whilst saving time. Each summary and Analysis contains carefully selected the most important information that will help you understand the basic ideas and expand your knowledge quickly.
This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and analysis and not the original book. It designed to record all the key points of the original book. It helps you get an overview before or after reading the original book.

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