Book Tigers

Workbook & Summary For James Clear's Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (Workbooks)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215310090
Veröffentlicht Januar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller BOOK TIGERS
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Do you find it difficult to adapt yourself to new habits?
Do you think that quitting some habits can be highly challenging?
Do you feel like you're always willing to change your habits, but you get bored so easily, and you return to the start line?
No matter how stage of life you're in, there are habits that you need to maintain, and others that you need to quit. The habit formation process is a lifelong thing. That's why learning how to create your own pattern of habits is one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health, alike.
Workbook & Summary of Atomic Habits refers to the small, marginal changes that lead to huge, impactful results. When you set your sights on a specific goal, you feel the urge to achieve it overnight. However, you can probably tell by now that this is not how things work.
When it comes to habits, consistency is key. In this workbook, you'll be able to understand how to achieve consistency. You'll also discover how tiny changes make a big difference, through learning the four important aspects of habit formation known as the Four-step Model of habits, which includes:
The cue
Although Sole discipline and self-control are key, they're not the only factors that govern the habit formation process. To guarantee a successful habit formation process, you should follow the Four Laws of Behavior Change:
Make it obvious.
Make it attractive.
Make it easy.
Make it satisfying.
With Workbook of Atomic habits, you'll discover the right tools to start a remarkable habit formation process as you'll learn the following:
Small habits lead to self-improvement in the long run.
Bad habits can break you the same way how good habits can build your success.
Minimal changes are insignificant until you reach a critical point in your life.
Don't stop, until you get what you want.
Creating a dependable system of habits to get the results you want.
These days, it can be really challenging to find people who support our self-improvement process. It can seem like the world, and the people in it, are encouraging you to stay still, and do nothing. But this guide can help you start and climb up your own habit formation process, regardless of how many temptations life throws your way in order to make you quit your self-improvement journey.
Become someone that others aspire to be! Become the one that you aspire to be!
Start your habit formation process now by adding a Workbook of Atomic habits to your cart!
This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and analysis, not the original book.
It is designed to record all the key points of the original and will provide you with an overview before or after reading the original.

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