Brianna West

Fated for Darkness (The Dark Soul Collector, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223342250
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Brianna West
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The morally grey masked assassin gets more than he bargained for in the rebel Dark Fae he's been paid to protect. But together, can this unlikely pair take on a world of enemies and somehow find love along the way?
They call me a rebel—the Marked, the Scorned, the Foretold. I was branded a traitor when my father killed all but one Dark Fae on the Council and fled. Even though those bastards deserved it. But now I've escaped, and I'm determined to go to the location my father left for me. Unfortunately, the man escorting me is a flirtatious masked mercenary who looks at me like I'm what's for dinner. Never thought I'd be into a vicious, silver-haired assassin, but I also never expected to be hunted by the worst killers in the business either. Let's hope the hot paid killer doesn't distract me from my goal—to unearth the secrets my father kept.
My past isn't shiny and bright. I'm not the sort of bloke you bring home to the parents. I'm the bastard you hire to kill them. To me, escorting a princess was just another job to be done. A favor repaid. That is, until the woman from my dreams—literally—walked into that pub and put fate into motion. I'm meant to keep her safe, but what if my past is the reason she's in danger? What if protecting her means facing a lifetime of sin? Whatever the cost, whoever I have to kill, no one will ever hurt her again.


Brianna West is an Amazon Bestselling author. She eats words for breakfast. When not nose-deep in a hot paranormal read, she's writing about slick, muscly goodness and the bad-ass, sassy heroine goddesses who find them. Her stories drip with sarcasm, supernatural impossibility, and contain enough adventure and suspense to leave you at the edge of your seat all the way through.
Take a step--or leap--into her well-established world of the Guardians to meet the characters who gave life to a paranormal empire.
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