Brittany Warman, Simon Kewin, Beth Cato, Cory Cone, Cindy James

B is for Broken (Alphabet Anthologies, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 099369909X
EAN 9780993699092
Veröffentlicht Mai 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Poise and Pen Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In the alphabet tapestry style of A is for Apocalypse, this book unspools tales of beauty and horror on a common theme. Within these pages is not the end of all the world but the ways in which individuals can break. The fragmenting of memory and self, of life and relationships. All the ways in which one can be broken or break a thing, all explored in wild ways here.
What does it mean to break? How many ways can someone become pieces? An assembly of authors explain how the aurora can steal a soul, how curses can break a village and what it means to dissolve into nothing more than airy memories. Here there is an android frankensteined together for sex, a shattering of glass, a falling apart on the wings of mythological dreams, distress laid out in tarot and the exquisite isolation of diamond flesh. B is for Broken takes us deep into the varieties and horrific beauties of brokenness in stories as individual as their authors.
With works by Brittany Warman, Sara Cleto, Gary B. Phillips, Beth Cato, Cory Cone, Steve Bornstein, Pete Aldin, Lilah Wild and so many more, B is for Broken is the ideal companion to A is for Apocalypse. It fires the imagination and sighs into the heart at the same time.

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