Brooklynn Rivers

Taming the Beast (Episode III)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1516321480
EAN 9781516321483
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Brooklynn Rivers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A warrior cursed by a queen. A princess on a quest to find her destiny. After a night filled with forbidden sex, can two lovers survive the wrath of Queen Ran?
Viktor Bjornsson's saga continues in Taming the Beast, Book 3 in the Raw Series. (8,900 words). Queen Ran, Norse goddess of the sea, is determined to make the handsome Viking her own by inflicting him with a terrible scourge. He is slowly transformed into a horrible beast covered with scales--only a memory of a Viking warrior lurks in the shadows of his mind.
One of the queen's daughters sets out to find her destiny, leading her straight to the imprisoned Viking. In spite of the queen's warnings, Tjorna wants to indulge in the hidden pleasures that only Viktor can sate. With the help of the Norse god, Loki, Tjorna sneaks into the Viking's cell and breaks the queen's curse.
After narrowly escaping the queen's guards, Tjorna and Viktor find themselves in a dark cave somewhere on the other side of the island. Danger lurks in the shadows--Queen Ran and her sand guards are not far behind. Aware of their fate, the two fugitives spend the night locked in heated passion, enjoying the forbidden desires that have tempted them.
One night of pleasure sparks a firestorm that rages out of control. Queen Ran is determined to destroy the lovers no matter what the cost. Will Viktor and Tjorna survive Queen Ran's wrath?

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