Bryan Talbot

Grandville Bete Noire

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1446477312
EAN 9781446477311
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Vintage Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The third volume of the Grandville series - Anthropomorphic steampunk detective fiction from graphic novel master Bryan Talbot
The Badger is back! Follow the Badger!
At Toad Hall, lair of multibillionaire Baron Aristotle Krapaud, a cabal of industrialists and fat cats plot the violent overthrow of the French state. Meanwhile, the brutal murder of a famous Parisian artist is subject to the investigations of the tenacious Detective Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard, placing him and his faithful adjunct, Detective Sergeant Roderick Ratzi, in pursuit of the mysterious masked assassin stalking the cut-throat commercial world of the Grandville art scene.
As the body count mounts and events spiral exponentially out of control, aided by his brilliant deductive abilities and innate ferocity, LeBrock battles against outrageous odds in this funny, high octane thriller, an adventure shot through with both high art and comic book references, a glorious illegitimate offspring of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming - with animals!
'The bastard child of Conan Doyle and Beatrix Potter, it's a gripping feast for the eyes' Observer


Bryan Talbot was born in 1952. He has worked on underground comics, science fiction and superhero stories such as Judge Dredd and Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight. His books include Alice in Sunderland, Dotter of Her Father's Eyes (with Mary Talbot), the first graphic novel to win the Costa biography award, and the Grandville series.

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