Brydie Lee-Kennedy

Go Lightly

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0063338033
EAN 9780063338036
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Harper Perennial
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"Brydie Lee-Kennedy's writing is sharp and funny and humane. A passionate chronicler of the ridiculous—in people, in society, in sex—Brydie skewers everyone equally, but always with empathy, warmth and wit." —Monica Heisey, author of Really Good, Actually
For readers of Dolly Alderton and Candice Carty-Williams, a spiky bisexual love story that introduces the unforgettable Ada—a free-spirited Holly Golightly for the age of DMs who follows the whimsies of her heart wherever they lead.
Ada is a seeker, a perpetually moving ball of excess. A twenty-six-year-old Australian living in London, she ekes out a living as a cabaret performer and part-time temp. Yet Ada can't imagine wanting to be any other age or any other place. Every night is an opportunity to be thrilled and every morning a chance to recount her escapades to friends.
So when Ada falls for Sadie and Stuart at the same time, she sees no reason not to pursue them both. But as the responsibilities of adult life begin to encroach—bills, family, more bills—and Sadie and Stuart find out about one another, the people around Ada increasingly insist it's time for her to settle down. Can she resist the inevitable?
Effortlessly hilarious and painfully relatable, Go Lightly is a love letter to girls who are the life of the party; girls who say yes without fear. In smartly observed and endlessly warm prose, Brydie Lee-Kennedy contemplates the great freedoms and greater uncertainties of modern love and friendship, introducing an utterly flawed yet charming character who revels in her youth and sexuality while reckoning with a serious case of main character syndrome.


Brydie Lee-Kennedy is an Australian screenwriter and author who splits her time between London and Sydney. She has written on shows for Netflix, Apple TV, and Disney. In a former life she was a cabaret performer, kids party entertainer, and sex columnist for SBS Australia. Go Lightly is her first novel.

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