C. J. Anaya

Build Your Launch Team

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386429376
EAN 9781386429371
Veröffentlicht Januar 2017
Verlag/Hersteller C.J. Anaya
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Is petitioning book bloggers hour after hour eating up your writing time and your patience? Do you find it difficult to get eyes on your new releases during your book launch?
Many authors feel frustrated in their efforts to get substantial reviews and attention on their books, never realizing that a great way to keep track of faithful followers and enthusiastic fans is to build a launch team.
Want hundreds of reviews within the first week of your release? Ask your launch team. Need help spreading the word about new book releases, fun book promotions, and giveaways? Ask your launch team! Need a group of beta readers to let you know if your book requires some tweaking? That's right. Ask your launch team!
In this short tutorial you will learn...
1.) What a launch team is.
2.) Why you need one.
3.) Three techniques that many bestselling authors are using to grow their team.
4.) How to get people to join your team and set up the process on autopilot.
Begin building the essentials of your author business and platform by utilizing the tools and techniques described in this step-by-step, easy-to-follow guide.
This book is for...
Beginning and intermediate authors
Folks interested in email marketing and list building
Authors interested in marketing their books
Authors interested in monetizing the business side of their writing
Getting reviews fast

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