C. L. Bush

A Hand in Love and Murder (FIRE IN MY HEART, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533723346
EAN 9781533723345
Veröffentlicht Juni 2016
Verlag/Hersteller C. L. Bush
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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War, blood, love, and murder.
Lucy Livingston has dreamed of finding someone to complete her life after seeing her cousin Franny find and fall in love with the man of her dreams. She is now at their estate, helping Franny learn the ropes and taking a break from the marriage mart in London. She thinks she is free from the distractions of men. That is until Simon Tucker, an old acquaintance she has had less than pleasant dealings with in the past, comes on the scene.
Simon Tucker arrives at Waltham subdued. Having been injured in the war, he is forced to accept the position of land agent to a friend of his cousin's, Franny's husband Lawrence Sheridan, and live a normal life after the trials of battle.
Riddled with guilt over leaving his best friend, Marshall Gray, behind after he was injured, Simon is haunted by the memories of blood and violence and what could have happened to Marshall, missing two years now.
An unlucky encounter forces Simon into the most compromising position he has ever been in… found next to a murdered man.
This book is a part of a series!


C. L. Bush started reading at a young age. Since then she has voraciously read all she can get her hands on. As a mother of two boys and three grown stepdaughter's, as well as the wife of a soldier in the U.S. Army, her life is busy, but she has always kept her love of reading and writing. History is also a passion of hers and she regularly goes on trips with her family to experience it firsthand. She looks forward to bringing her love of reading, writing and history to her readers with her new 'Fire In My Heart' series.
Please feel free to visit her author page on Facebook for updates on new releases!

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