C. L. Roman

A Blade in the Hand (Assassin's Duet: An Unborn Space Fantasy, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224330379
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller C.L. Roman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In this gripping space fantasy, Tessa Graham, navigates a perilous journey with Magnus Caravaggio.
Tessa and Magnus agree to work with Alex and Val in the space transport industry, but their first mission takes a dark turn when a master assassin targets Tessa. As they face life-threatening challenges, Magnus and Tessa grow closer.
New leads on the location of the British Fleet, a terrorist organization, and the possible resurrection of HiveZ scatters the team in different directions. As the stakes rise, Tessa grapples with her evolving feelings for Magnus.
When Val and Alex transport a mysterious shipment to Earth, they accidentally unleash a deadly threat to all human life. Tessa and Magnus are summoned to confront this peril, discovering a deeper connection between reapers - the remnant of HiveZ's terrifying creations - and a human plot to wipe out Earth.
Amidst intricate relationships and evolving challenges, Tessa contemplates a risky plan involving herself as bait to eradicate the reapers. However, a betrayal from within puts her life at stake, and Magnus must intervene to save her.
Embark on a mesmerizing space odyssey filled with twists, betrayals, and the resilience of the human spirit. Will Tessa and Magnus rewrite the past, or will they face the challenges of the present in their quest to save Earth and humanity?


C.L. Roman is a writer and editor in NE Florida. She writes fantasy and paranormal YA and is currently developing several series: Rephaim and Witch of Forsythe High, among them. In between novels, you can find her on her blog, The Brass Rag. Cheri lives with her husband and Jack E. Boy, Superchihuahua.

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