Caitlin Mollica

Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation

Youth and the Practice of Transitional Justice. Total Illustrations: 0. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 298 Seiten
ISBN 1438497458
EAN 9781438497457
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller SUNY Press

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The importance of youth's substantive participation for the realization of inclusive reconciliation practices has rarely been acknowledged. Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation provides a comprehensive, nuanced, and empirical account of the contribution of young people's voices to the success of transitional justice and peacebuilding practices. Caitlin Mollica illustrates the role of political will and agency in the development of transitional justice mechanisms that are substantively inclusive of those traditionally marginalized by post-conflict institutions, most notably youth. In doing so, she highlights the importance of youth to lasting peace and meaningful justice. She does so by looking specifically at how truth and reconciliation commissions from South Africa to the Solomon Islands engage with the voices of youth and the meanings youth self-ascribe to their experiences during truth and reconciliation commission processes. In a field which traditionally prioritizes stories about youth, Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation looks to center stories by youth.


Caitlin Mollica is Lecturer in Politics at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

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