Camille Laurens

Who You Think I Am

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 1590518330
EAN 9781590518335
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Other Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
13,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This psychological thriller dissects online relationships, offering a stunning indictment of the way society perceives women in contrast to men when age comes into play.
This is the story of Claire Millecam, a forty-eight-year-old teacher and divorcée who creates a fake social media profile to keep tabs on Joe, her occasional, elusive, and inconstant lover. Under the false identity of Claire Antunes, a young and beautiful twenty-four-year-old, she starts a correspondence with Chris-pseudonym KissChris-which soon turns into an Internet love affair.
A Dangerous Liaisons for our times, Who You Think I Am exposes the disconnect between fantasy and reality. Social media allows us to put ourselves on display, to indulge in secrets, but above all to lie, to recreate a life, to become our own fiction-magnifying and manipulating the double standards to which older women are held when they refuse to give up on desire.
Simultaneously sensual, intellectually stimulating, and utterly relevant, this page-turner will stick in your mind long after reading.


Camille Laurens is an award-winning French novelist and essayist. She received the Prix Femina, one of France's most prestigious literary prizes, in 2000 for Dans ces bras-là, which was published in the United States as In His Arms in 2004. She lives in Paris.
Adriana Hunter studied French and Drama at the University of London. She has translated more than fifty books including Nelly Alard's Couple Mechanics andEléctrico W by Hervé Le Tellier (winner of the French-American Foundation's 2013 Translation Prize in Fiction). She won the 2011 Scott Moncrieff Prize, and her work has been shortlisted twice for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. She lives in Norfolk, England.

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